A lot of my day-to-day work involves coming up with ideas. We call them sparks, which is a quick way to jot down an idea in it’s shiniest form. Sparks can come from anywhere: an insight, a conversation, an experience, an article. This normally happens when you have a couple hours between meetings. The clock is ticking. You have an idea.
For the sake of legal purposes, this idea is entirely and completely made up.
Step 1
Break things
Reliving my childhood dream, we come up with an idea for a random workout generator for gym teachers across the world. First, we probably breaking something. We hack a Google Sheet to generate workouts. We have the base.
Step 2
Sketch it out
Next, we put pen to paper with a quick napkin sketch.
Step 3
Make it shiny
Then we make a glorified wireframe in Figma with big buttons.
Step 4
Make it shiny x2
We add some juicy zest in After Effects.
Step 5
Fake it, don’t make it
We fake a prototype with After Effects & Protopie to make it look really real. Film it in hand. Add a spicy meter. Shake it up. Push some buttons. And always end with confetti.
Step 6
Make a poster
We give it a sweet name like The Gain Train. Not available anywhere. Slap that on a poster and call it a day.